Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oh, F!

Yes, all hail the almighty letter F. It's the grade you do NOT want to get. And so, some of us have our own rituals when it comes to writing the letter F. Some of us stay up pretty late to the point where processing rate of data and absorption rate of knowledge in the Big Brain slows down with a warning that silently goes: "BRAIN OVERLOAD. BRAIN OVERLOAD." Slowly, Lenient Liver is silently protesting against the over-consumption of caffeine. Some people use cue-cards; some pace back-and-forth while trying to get things to memory; some people camp out at the library. I take a lot of power naps which often, unsurprisingly, backfires when a 15 minute power nap turns into hours.

I have all the classical and jazz online radio stations ready; whether it is conducive to study to jazz is quite questionable. There is nothing more FUN than studying. It seems like a marathon you can't win -- the same chapter isn't quite done yet with the triumphant turn of the page. When you're finally done the chapter, you try to take a moment to recall what you've learnt. Oh crap, what was that again? I've tried mind-mapping; illustrating axioms within theories to remind myself how they are all relevant. I've made up my own mnemonics, but Frustration seems to reign.

Studying for Finals is kind of like baking. Having a recipe isn't enough; you need to make sure you have got all the required inputs. Eventually, it will become a piece of cake. HAH, I would only wish it were so....

This post is brought to you today by Sarcasm and Loss of Sense of Humour.

Good luck with your Finals for all ye who write them. Study SMART.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha.. Desserts.. Stressed... awesome