Sunday, November 29, 2009

Seafood Lover's Heaven

Mmm, if I had to become a vegetarian, I would become a flexitarian or a pescatarian in a heartbeat! Seafood is more easily digested than any red meats. Fish is quite versatile; you can prepare it in a slow cooker (for soups), on the grill, in a pot (for fish curry or in the style of steamed fish), or even baking it in the oven. If you are confused by "fish curry", look up Tom Yum soup on; it's Thai and it's a bit spicy and sour. If you want to make a fish curry paste from scratch, here are some of the basic spices and ingredients: tomatoes (crushed/diced), tumeric, ground almond (helps thicken the sauce), cumin, coriander, chillies, lemon grass, galangal, and a titch of lime juice. Laziest way? Buy a packet of Ibrahim's fish curry sauce. Sh, don't tell others I cheat sometimes.

Yesterday, I stumbled across Billingsdale Seafood Market for the very first time! The place smells deliciously fishy!! Their Catch of the Day for fish and chips is to die for. Now, I know where to buy my fish and have a yummy seafood lunch. Other places to melt in seafood heaven: Wok King (in Chinatown; it's very hidden right next to Garden Bakery) and Save-On Foods' pre-marinated/pre-prepared raw seafood aisle. If fish guts soup doesn't sound gory, you are in the right place at an authentic Chinese restaurant.

People often wondered why the communal dorm kitchen smelled fishy. I love fish.

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