Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I love art. Contrary to what people think on this silly Facebook application Compare, I think I'm quite artistic; whether I'm good or not, it doesn't really matter because art is a mere hobby. When you're dealing with art, you're learning to take risks; you're always experimenting with different kinds of media. At the same time, you're solving problems; figuring out how to draw or create an object. Like Music, Art is very therapeutic for me; it exercises my right brain.

I have discovered that I love using India ink. I do the wash first, then I use a calligraphy pen, different brushes and paper towel (believe it or not) to further add details. You could also use a straw or even a toothbrush if you desire some cool effects with ink.

Above: Study of drapery -- a scarf.

Above: a daunting still life study -- the way as I interpreted it; it was not close to the real potted plant at all, but it was all I could see from my angle.

And here is a still-life study piece I did with conte. I am currently still refining my landscape of headlands in Cornwall, England, which is also done with conte. When I'm done, I will upload that here as well.

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